B2B businesses only

AI appointment setters

Book 310% more B2B


We build and deploy an AI Appointment setter to book meetings for B2B or high ticket offers fully automated.(No humans involved)


We place AI Agents inside of

your company

AI Agents generate unlimited leads and book meetings for you in your calandar

AI Agents convert all your qualified leads after running ads

AI Agents do all the follow ups and customer support with clients.

"Professionals at what they do, go to guys for AI and automation"

Deep Sangani

Business Owner


Super simple to get started :)

Book a strategy call

Talk to our CEO, Arman to discover how AI and Automation can help you business

Strategy Development

We come up with a relevant strategy to solve your business problems with our AI services

Automate your business

We take action based on the strategy to automate your agency tasks


Not to brag, but see what our clients say


Simplest pricing packages for all


$9.90 per month Including all the automations.

Learn how to automate businesses yourself at a monthly flat fee.

  • We teach you how to build The exact automations we build for our clients.

  • Plug and play:Download the automation and use it.

  • Weekly Q&A Calls

  • We answer all your questions in the community.(So you don't get stuck any where)

  • You will be updated on all the automations and the updates we make on them.


$5900 one time payment.

Own An AI Agent working at your company forever.

  • You are the owner of an AI appointment setter.(We are only the babysitters)

  • The AI will book meetings in your calandar so you Don't have to.

  • Works for you 24/7, 365 days of the year.

  • AI will do SMS/WhatsApp/email follow ups.(Fully automated)

  • Your model will be getting better day and day, until you'll need no humans operating it.


15900$/one time payment + Revenue share

✔We become a partner implementing AI for every department of your company.

  • ✔ B2B Enterprise only

  • ✔ Annual contract

  • ✔ We place AI in every repetitive task that humans do in your company.

  • ✔ We train your employees on how to use AI and How to become more productive.

  • ✔ Each Agent will be responsible for getting more traffic directly or indirectly.


Have Questions?, Answers

How can I use AI Agents in my business?

We simply focus on bringing in more sales, and we place AI Agents to do most of your Calls without any delays.

Do you build automation tools as well or it's only service?

Yes, if you want to have something of your own that you can control and use without us involved, we can help you build those automations so that you can go on your own to automate without us

What service do you specifically offer in automation?

Well, we focus on brining the most amount of revenue using AI, which also means we have to save alot of cost.(such as setting up AI Agents to call all your prospects after you run ads to qualify them and Give you all the leads.

Is this available for a monthly retainer or even a one time payment?

We mainly offer a one time payment to have access to our services at a fraction of the cost later on, However, if you have a special need that doesnt fit plan, we can create something custom for you after learning about, you can book a call to let us know here

Who the hell are you, why should I even trust you?

We have successfuly placed AI into more then 20 businesses and everyone is happy.

What if I don't get results?, do you give refunds?

we have confidence that our AI Agents will help you get the results you are looking for, if nit satsified, we revise until you feel satisfied with the result.

Still have some Questions?


More client testimonials

Ready to scale, Book a 15 minute consultation call with us

No Fluff, book a call with Arman :), to have a chat and see how we shall save you time, money and generate more leads than ever before

Helped over 20 brands scale with AI

THhiredai @2024 All rights reserved